*for the grüss gott magazine fall 2023 of archdiocese linz i created a collage illustration focusing on the question, how jesus turned water into wine, the blood of the grape. i loved looking deep into this subject, searching for formulas, alchemic & scientific answer. visually i aimed to disassemble the metaphors beyond the wedding in cana narrative (joh.2.3, 2.7. 2.11.) in the details i tried to spotlight on the figures who attended the ceremony in galilee, so hidde in an amount of little substories you find mary and the 6 apostles. in the article itself a thelogian, a wine dresser & a biochemist are trying to give answers out of their expertise. for the final artwork i went with a central composition. showcasing jesus of nazareth, the ceremony, the guests, the 6 waterjars. the main figure of jesus is entwined by the beautiful branches of vinum & geometrical scetches, flying fishes, cherubins, signs, botanical & organic addons from Ɐ to Ω. i am thankful for this beautiful project. again a huge merci to silvia druml-shams, matti wulfes, raffael fritz & the whole team for a wonderful project. ‘in details i trust™.’ ♥︎
head of creative | markus kietreiber
chief editor | raffael fritz
art direction | silvia druml-shams
photo editor | matti wulfes
article | grüss gott editorial department
collage artwork | nita.