grüss gott magazine eternity.

*for the grüss gott magazine fall/winter 2024 edition of archdiocese linz i created a collage illustration focusing on the question how long eternalness might be. the experience of time is pretty subjective & hard to catch. no way to find one answer, for this infinite question there are eternal answers. for the article the editorial team asked a teacher & theologist, a singer & doctor in philosophy & a physicist about their expertise. while diving into the text & subject of matter – it was always this visual transfer of experience, which will be handed on further after life & after life & after life. also i thought about elements & how they metamorphose, having an infinite lifetime changing their matter. as you might know i love the language of flowers & their meaning. i tried to find the right choice, so it was the fleur-de-lis appearing on screen. for the lilies i chose red & white ones.  the result is a visual perpetuum mobile, the lily crowned allegory of sincerity by carlo dolci as central figure of the composition & santa veronica by pretti with the infinite vernicle as echo. as add ons you find a hebe statue, lots of mythologist & astronomy details such as the figure by ralph willet. furthermore some key formulas like the theory of relativity, some escheresque fragments, geometry. there are botanical & organic details of animals & symbols which give a hint on the subject itself. an ouroboros is meeting the infinite turtle, of course there are butterflies to explore – as i think they can not be ignored when it comes to time & lifetime. it is from alpha to infinity. which might have the sign π. again i need to point out, that i love to work on subjects like this, any time i learn something new, find new questions & sometimes answers. exploring life seems infinite, i am thankful for this beautiful project. an eternal merci to silvia druml-shams, matti wulfes & the whole team for a wonderful project & your trust. ‘in flowers i trust™.’ ♥︎

head of creative | markus kietreiber
chief editor | wolfgang wieser
art direction | silvia druml-shams
photo editor | matti wulfes
article | grüss gott editorial department
collage artwork | nita.