happy to share the artwork i did for dj raphs album release sacred groves on the berlin based interground & underculture label noland records. the album was produced by raphael kariuki as part of the mashup the archive residency program. mashup the archive is a project of iwalewahaus, university of bayreuth and was funded by kulturstiftung des bundes international museum fellowship program. it was curated by sam hopkins and nadine siegert. sacred groves is available on vinyl, cd and as digital version. for the vinyl version i decided to go with a colorful kanga pattern inside sleeve from the iwalewahaus archive treasures, parts of the collage cover artwork also contain artefacts from the archive. also check out the musicvideo for the track ikondera.
released may 2018
music by dj raph
label noland records
♥︎ merci to iwalewahaus, noland records and all contributing mashup the archive artists.