1873 expo vienna.

oh victoria. voilá. happy to finally share some of my work done in 2022. so these are the conceptional drafts for the broadcast intermezzo film shown inbetween the 2023 new years concert by vienna philharmonics. this wonderful project was commissioned by filmwerkstatt in early 2022 during the conceptional phase. the topic of the intermezzo film was vienna back in the time of 1873, 150 years ago the world exposition was held in vienna. the main area was the rotunde, a fantastic domed structure building at viennese prater which burned down during a fire catastrophe in 1937. to revive the memory & pay homage to the beauty of the building & the expo & all the wonderful shown pavillions & set of exhibits i was asked to work on styleboards, the layout & look&feel of the book as well as the expo map you can behold in the film. the project went on air on 1st of january 2023 on orf II, austrias public broadcast station. merci beaucoup to barbara & nicholas for having me as visiteuse. during 2022 health issues kept me away from going further, happy to find fragments of my work in the final outcome of the film, even if i could not realize 2d animations due to my illness back then. it was one of my favourite ventures & adventure when it comes to subject matter & aesthetics of an age – that is the reason why i love to share it here. for the styleboards & book layout i worked with original material provided by wien museum, antique magazines & newspapers from the golden age, and 3d rendering of the pavilions. please regard also credits below. ♥︎

150 years expo vienna
client | orf & vienna philharmonics
a coproduction by orf & vienna philharmonics, produced by filmwerkstatt vienna.
commissioned by | filmwerkstatt
lead agency & concept | filmwerkstatt
book & direction | barbara weissenbeck, nicholas pöschl
conductor & cast  | franz welser-moest
camera | hubert doppler, lukas kronsteiner
color grading | viennaFX
3d renderings pavillions | andreas kreimaier
styleboard drafts & yearbook layout | nita.
original imagery provided by | wien museum
typography amongst others | berolina by peter wiegel

screenshots used in this post (c) 2023 orf & filmwerkstatt.